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Le surréalisme ☂️

How far can we dig into the imagination? -

Salut à tou.te.s,

Le surréalisme, mouvement artistique et intellectuel né il y a un siècle, après la Première Guerre mondiale, a révolutionné l’art en explorant l’inconscient et les rêves. Des artistes comme André Breton, Salvador Dalí et René Magritte ont cherché à libérer l’imaginaire des contraintes rationnelles. Comment ce courant a-t-il transformé notre vision de la réalité ?

Surrealism, an artistic and intellectual movement born a century ago, after the First World War, revolutionized art by exploring the unconscious and dreams. Artists such as André Breton, Salvador Dalí and René Magritte sought to free the imagination from rational constraints. How did this movement transform our vision of reality?

Related episodes: Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso


  • watch this week's episode on surrealism: (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar)

  • revise your Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives, we might try a "cadavre exquis" together

  • (optional) watch this 2-part documentary on Arte: Révolutions surréalistes

  • prepare one or two questions

Join us in this week's sessions:
  • Tuesday Septembre 17, 2024

  • Sunday Septembre 22, 2024

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,


Prochain Salon littéraire📚 October 10, 17 and 31, 2024

Interested in joining us in a tour of 🌸Provence🌻 next year? Something cool is brewing.

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