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Les Jeux olympiques 🤾

Are you looking forward to the Paris Olympic Games? -

runner with the olympic flame

Salut à tou.te.s,

Êtes-vous impatients de suivre les Jeux olympiques de Paris ? Si c'est le cas, il est également temps de revenir sur l’histoire des Jeux olympiques modernes. En 1896, Pierre de Coubertin, passionné de sport, souhaite relancer les compétitions sportives internationales à l'image des Grecs de l'Antiquité. Une tradition a perduré, celle du parcours de la flamme olympique, actuellement en tournée dans toute la France.

Are you looking forward to the Paris Olympic Games? If so, it's also time to look back at the history of the modern Olympic Games. In 1896, Pierre de Coubertin, a sports enthusiast, wanted to relaunch international sports competitions like the Ancient Greeks. A tradition has continued, that of the journey of the Olympic flame, currently on tour throughout France.


Join us in this week's sessions:

  • Tuesday May 28, 2024

  • Sunday June 2, 2024

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,


Sign up now for the salon littéraire on June 28 📚

Interested in reading smart literature in French? Yet, not ready for Proust right now? This is your opportunity to give it a shot. "L'Homme qui plantait des arbres" is a classic, easy, 35-page book full of philosophy and interesting food for thoughts. Great for B1 level and higher.


If you made it all the way down to this section, thank you! Here is a little Summer gift: use the coupon code QUIVIVRAVERRA for a 10% discount on the 4 sessions/month plan (coupon ends June 30th, discount never ends).


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