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Vincent Van Gogh 🎨

What made Van Gogh famous? -

Salut Ă  tou.te.s,

Si on pouvait chercher le terme "artiste maudit" au dictionnaire, on trouverait certainement le nom de Vincent Van Gogh dans la dÊfinition. Ce peintre post-impressionniste de la fin du 19è siècle a marquÊ l'histoire non seulement par son travail exceptionnel des couleurs et de la lumière, mais aussi par sa vie courte et torturÊe.

If you could look up the term "cursed artist" in the dictionary, you would certainly find the name of Vincent Van Gogh in the definition. This post-impressionist painter from the end of the 19th century left his mark on history not only through his exceptional work with colors and light, but also through his short and tortured life.

Related episodes: Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet

How to prepare the conversations:

  1. Watch this short video about Vincent Van Gogh: (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).

  2. Prepare one question to ask the other participants

Join this week's conversations:

  • Tuesday January 30, 2024

  • Thursday February 1, 2024

  • Sunday February 4, 2024

Bonne semaine et Ă  bientĂ´t, RafaĂŤl


🔗 (fr) Van Gogh: Anatomie d'un mythe:

🔗 (fr) Van Gogh, inépuisable star des écrans:



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